Are You Ready to Lead?

Become a CISV leader today

Every year, over 6,000 children from around the world go to CISV camp and family-exchange programmes to have the time of their lives. That's where you come in!

As a CISV leader, you will help children try new things, make new friends, learn new skills, eat new foods, and even travel. It's non-stop, challenging, and no two days will be the same!
But you'll have an experience you will never forget - an experience that will shape the rest of your life.   

You can learn more about being a CISV leader by completing the form below to download our Leader Info Pack and contact CISV in your country.

As a leader, you must:

  • Be at least 21 years of age
  • Speak English
  • Undergo a criminal background check
  • Have a positive and open-minded attitude
  • Have an interest in education and other cultures
  • Be open to new experiences, new foods, and new people
  • Ulu Sutinen

    "Volunteering as a CISV leader has given me experience working in a multicultural environment, which is increasingly valued in many workplaces. In job interviews, I have been able to give concrete examples of situations that not many other job candidates would have faced. Being a leader gave me a chance to look at the world from the eyes of young people. Right now my ideal future work environment would involve teaching youth."

    Ulu Sutinen
    CISV Sweden
  • Kelly Burggraaf

    "CISV has given me confidence and skills that are marketable to prospective employers. Not only has CISV opened the door to rich and diverse relationships that have helped me grow as a person, it has also given me direct access to other cultures and languages that have expanded my interpersonal repertoire. Furthermore, my integrity as a leader is clearly visible to employers when they realize others find me trustworthy and reliable enough to take a group of children across the globe for a month."

    Kelly Burggraaf
  • Augustin Lyonnet

    "Being a CISV leader helped me get my dream job! I had my first experience as a leader in 2015. In 2016, France was hosting the Euro Cup and I dreamed of working with the organization. I was so excited when I found a job opportunity to escort children who would hold the players hands before the game. In my interview, I spoke about my experience as a leader. I was thrilled when I got the job!"

    Augustin Lyonnet
    CISV France
  • Marcela Corrales

    "Professionally, being a CISV leader has had many unexpected benefits. I have used CISV conflict resolution techniques and activities with clients that work better than what I learned in my professional training. I’ve lost all fear of speaking in public, and I can think and employ Risk Management best practices anywhere and at any time. It is easy for me to connect with other people. I empathize quickly with people because I understand their background a little better."

    Marcela Corrales
    CISV Costa Rica
  • Trish Deluria

    "Being a leader with CISV was a great opportunity for personal growth. It not only taught me how to be more responsible, but also to be accountable for my actions. Because of CISV’s global network, I worked with a lot of different people and personalities. This helped me improve the way I interacted with colleagues at work."

    Trish Deluria
    CISV Philippines

Take the First Step

Learn more about the benefits of becoming a CISV leader by downloading the Leaders Info Pack!

    Want to learn more about being a CISV leader? Contact your National Association. If you do not see your country, CISV is currently not active there.

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