On this page you will find all the documents you need when you are participating, hosting, staff or a leader in a Step Up.

For information on how to be a Step Up staff or leader, go to apply to be staff.

General information

You will find these useful before, during and after a Step Up:

Before a Step Up

You will need to complete or be familiar with these forms before a Step Up:


  • Pre-Camp 1 - complete via myCISV (fill Programme Data)
  • Pre-Camp 2 - upload to myCISV
  • For more instructions how to complete these forms, see Pre-Camp Help Notes

During a Step Up

If your site doesn’t have internet facilities, remember to download a copy of these documents before the programme starts. You will need to complete or be familiar with these documents during the programme:



After a Step Up

You will need to help ensure these reports are submitted after a Step Up:


Why not use myCISV to keep in touch and share photos? Or we would love it if you share a Programme story, or could add to the myCISV Photo Library!

General information

You will find these useful before, during and after a Step Up: Other

Before a Step Up

You will need to complete or be familiar with these forms before a Step Up:


  • Pre-Camp 1 - complete via myCISV (fill Programme Data)
  • Pre-Camp 2 - upload to myCISV
  • Health Form in your Programmes on myCISV
  • Adult Legal Form in your Programmes on myCISV
  • For more instructions how to complete these forms, see Pre-Camp Help Notes

During a Step Up

If your site doesn’t have internet facilities, remember to download a copy of these documents before the programme starts. You will need to complete or be familiar with these documents during the programme:



After a Step Up

You will need to help ensure these reports are submitted after a Step Up:


Why not use myCISV to keep in touch and share photos? Or we would love it if you share a Programme story, or could add to the myCISV Photo Library!

General information

You will find these useful before, during and after a Step Up: Other

Before a Step Up

You will need to complete or be familiar with these forms before a Step Up:


These forms should be completed in your Programme on myCISV. For help, read the Forms FAQs on our myCISV FAQs page.
  • Travel Information Form
  • Health Form
  • Legal Form
  • As a delegation leader, you or your NA will need to complete these forms before the programme:
    • Delegation Information Form


  • Register on myCISV and let your Chapter know when this is done. They will then assign you to the programme. For help, read the myCISV help notes.

During a Step Up

If your site doesn’t have internet facilities, remember to download a copy of these documents before the programme starts. You will need to complete or be familiar with these documents during the programme:

After a Step Up

Why not use myCISV to keep in touch and share photos? Or we would love it if you share a Programme story, or could add to the myCISV Photo Library!

Step Up Age Requirements


  • Must turn 14 (for Step Up 14) or 15 (for Step Up 15) on, or in the 12 months prior, to 31st August (for March-April and June-August programmes) or 31st December (for December-January programmes). The age (either 14 or 15) will be specified in the invitation.


  • Must be at least 21 years old on the day of departure for the programme.


  • Must be at least 21 years old on the first day of the programme.
  • At least one Staff (but preferably two or more Staff) must be at least 25 years old on the first day of the programme.

Junior Staff

  • For Step Up 14, one Junior Staff can be 18 years old on the first day of the programme. If there is a second Junior Staff, they must be at least 19 years old on the first day of the programme.
  • For Step Up 15, all Junior Staff must be at least 19 years old on the first day of the programme.

Kitchen Staff

  • Must be at least 3 years older than the participants.
  • There must be one member of Kitchen Staff over 18 years old present whenever the kitchen is in use.