Ahead of our main programme season of 2024
June 6, 2024
Short-term opportunities to improve our Volunteer Journey
September 20, 2024CISV relies on the experience and knowledge of its volunteers to provide meaningful, impactful, safe and enjoyable programmes for our participants. On the ground, the local volunteers and staff make sure that those are developed, organised and delivered to the highest standards.
But we all know that on occasion things are challenging for our volunteers. And when this is happening there is nothing greater than being able to turn a well-trusted, experienced and respected ‘wise head’ to bounce the ideas off, and/or troubleshoot.
We are so lucky that within the CISV we have so many of those ‘wise heads’, people who have been around the block, developed, structured, delivered and supported various programmes, know the answer to all and any questions, simply, been there, done that, and have the t-shirt to prove it.
Many of those are embedded in our Regional Team structure already. Still, through feedback from those very people, as well as conversations with Members, we know that we could do better to provide meaningful support to programmes when they are in the development and/or delivery phase.
So here come the Programme Experts!
We see those groups as formalising the support that is somewhat delivered through the Regional Teams already, further bolstering our troubleshooting capacity, as well as providing support to the Education and Research Communities and the Training Committee in tasks such as the annual review of the programme guides, educational curriculums and development of other programme related resources.
We are seeking experienced individuals (please see the Programme Experts’ role descriptions here with info about the skills and experience we are looking for, and Terms of Reference for Programme Experts Working Groups here) to join those groups.
Please see the volunteer application form here. If you are interested in supporting this way, please make sure to complete it as soon as possible. The deadline for applying for these roles is 31 August 2024.
We are hoping that many of you will join in this exciting opportunity, or please refer this to people you may know as being suitable.
If you would like to discuss this any further please do not hesitate to contact members of our Programmes and Operations Team: Carmen Mendoza, Esti Sindhunatha, Mikaela Martin or Jacob Przeklasa.
Thank you for your continued help and support and we are looking forward to hearing from you.