CISV safeguarding online training

CISV is committed to ensuring that our programmes are high-quality and safe for all involved. Ensuring volunteers are given consistent, thorough training is essential to programme safety. We are pleased to announce the introduction of new eLearning content.

This online training complements and strengthens CISV’s in-person training. It is mandatory for all roles defined in the CISV Training Policy. We recommend any CISVer to take the online training – the more of us who are competent in safeguarding and risk management, the safer and stronger an organization we will be.

You can find a list of Frequently Asked Questions below. Please note that more information will be added below and more eLearning modules will be added to the eLearning platform as they become ready.

The Safeguarding Course is available here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the CISV safeguarding online training?

The CISV safeguarding online training is an online training made up of seven eLearning modules that learners can complete in their own time.

Starting in 2021, any person in a role of responsibility in CISV which involves basic risk management and child protection is required to complete the modules.

This requirement is part of CISV International’s commitment to make our programmes safe and high quality, by ensuring that all our programme leaders and staff around the world are trained in basic risk management and child protection. It also provides a consistent training regardless of where in the world you come from.

What content does the CISV safeguarding online training cover?

The safeguarding online training is organized into seven substantive modules covering the topics of:

  1. CISV basics
  2. Tools and prevention
  3. Child protection in CISV
  4. Behaviour, bullying, conflict resolution
  5. Prevention is better than cure: Health and Safety in CISV Programmes
  6. Mental and physical health
  7. Online safety and data protection
Who needs to complete the CISV safeguarding online training?

The safeguarding online training is mandatory for all CISV programme staff, leaders, Junior Counsellors, Local and National Interchange Coordinators, and Local and National Risk Managers.

In addition, it is recommended that anyone who is active in CISV completes this training, including virtual programmes and online activities. We all have responsibility to keep everybody – especially children – safe in CISV. Through this eLearning module you can learn important aspects of how to do that. CISV International trainers and trainees at CISV International trainings are also encouraged to complete the module.

Do I have to get the CISV safeguarding online training before being selected as a leader or staff?

No. You can complete the CISV safeguarding online training after being selected. However, you must complete it before travelling to your programme and if time is tight, you must inform your Chapter of your plans.

Will I receive the CISV Safeguarding Completion Certificate after successfully completing the online training?

Yes. To receive the training completion certificate you have to successfully complete the full online training. The training consists of 7 different modules and assessment is built into the modules.

The certificate is valid for two full years. After two years, you must take the course again.

See the Training Policy and Procedures for full details.

I am going to be a JC/leader/staff/LIC/NIC, do I have to complete the safeguarding online training in addition to attending regular programme training?

Yes. The online training is not a replacement for regular programme training but a complement. So you must complete the Safeguarding online training as well as regular programme training as offered by your Chapter, National Association or CISV International.

How do I access the safeguarding online training?

To access the safeguarding online training, follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure you are registered on myCISV, and that you have your new myCISV ID ( If you need help, visit the myCISV Frequently Asked Questions page.
  2. Go to
  3. Click “CISV ID ( user)”
  4. Click on the Safeguarding training course to start.
How long will it take to complete the online training?

We estimate it can take up to five hours. If you need to read and remind yourself of the content of relevant policies and guides it may take longer.

Do I have to complete the online training in one go?

No. You can do the course at your own pace. It is quite long and challenging to do the whole course in one sitting. If you pause the course, when you come back you can continue the course where you left off.

I am going to be a JC/leader/staff/LIC/NIC. What happens if I do not pass the training?

In the eLearning system you will be given three attempts to pass each assessment; you need to pass all assessments to receive the completion certification. If you don't pass you will not receive the Safeguarding Completion Certificate and you will not be able to take on the CISV roles for which safeguarding training is required. 

How will a National Association (or Chapter) know if their leaders or staff have received the training?

Chapter, National, and Regional Risk Managers, and National Secretaries can see the certification of completion status of their members on myCISV.

How long before the programme I am staffing or going to do I have to have passed the course?

You should do the course as soon as you have been selected for the role.

You must have passed the course successfully before you attend the programme.