CISV International is developing a Theory of Change which will give all of us in CISV the tools and common language to talk about who we are, what we do and the impact our work makes. This will help everyone at all levels from Chapter to Board to promote our work and provide a clear compelling narrative for potential families, donors and partners.

A small working group has been set up with a mix of volunteers, staff and board and is currently meeting weekly in order to meet a target date of end of the year for this important work for our organization.

In 2022, the team began the first phase of the work; defining our target groups, impact and outcomes.

Roadmap to the Future

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our discussion sessions Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th of November 2022.

  • Round 1: The Americas and EMEA, 9am(EST)/2pm(UK)-11.15am(EST)/4.15pm(UK) Saturday 13th November
  • Round 2: Asia Pacific, 11am(WIB)-1.15pm (WIB) Sunday 14th November

These were both YouTube live events. The links are available on our Facebook page:

We hosted two different discussion sessions with panellists/speakers from the Theory of Change working group, Governing Board and current and past volunteers. Both sessions were repeated.


Session 1: CISV International and Theory of Change (TOC): What is TOC? And why is CISV creating one?

What is a Theory of Change? And why are we creating one for CISV International?

This session aimed to help others learn about the Theory of Change, the tool that organizations use to plan and monitor their interventions. We shared a timeline and overview of the TOC process, and introduced the draft TOC designed by CISV International. We also reviewed the definitions, components, and benefits of a well-defined TOC.

Session 2: Evolution, not revolution: Why are we doing this now?!

Why is CISV International dedicating resources to creating a Theory of Change now? How will this one tool help us evolve?

Following the introduction to CISV International’s draft TOC in Session 1, Session 2 will kicked off the consultation process for the TOC. We explored how a TOC can help CISV evolve, the first reactions to the draft TOC, and what the next steps look like.

Ongoing work…

In 2022, CISV International presented its Theory of Change to Members at the VGM (Virtual General Meeting). Although the project was not yet finalised at the time, it represented a significant step towards evaluating and defining the outcomes and impact of CISV’s work. The Theory of Change, developed by a dedicated working group comprising Senior Staff, Governing Board Members, and trained volunteers, aims to provide a cohesive definition of CISV and showcase the organisation’s influence on the world. The project has undergone substantial work and is expected to greatly inform future strategies. While the first phase of the project has been completed, the second half will be finalised once CISV recovers from the ongoing challenges posed by the Covid pandemic.