Happy 60th Birthday to CISV Italy!
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My first CISV t-shirt
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Empowering Climate Education in CISV France!
In order to take action and build solutions to tackle climate change, we first need to understand the problem. This is why CISV International is collaborating with Climate Fresk, an organization that conducts workshops to deepen people’s understanding of global climate issues.
Last April together with the Strategic Project Team of Decarbonising CISV, we hosted Climate Fresk workshops to involve several members of the International Office, Governing Board, and Educational Programmes Committee, with fantastic responses! During the 2022 July-August programme season, two pilot workshops were run in a Village and a Step up, with very positive feedback from adults and participants.
This year, in May and June 2023, CISV France is the first to start hosting workshops and organising training to empower leaders and staff members to facilitate Climate Fresk activities, fostering knowledge sharing and global collaboration.
15 CISV France facilitators have now been trained, and are ready to run workshops in 6 camps in France for roughly 200 participants!
The collaboration between CISV International and Climate Fresk represents a fantastic alliance. By hosting workshops and training sessions, we can empower leaders and staff to become Climate Fresk facilitators, enabling them to spread knowledge and awareness about climate issues. This collaboration is not only fostering climate education but also encouraging individuals to take action and make positive changes in their communities. By bringing together the power of education, collaboration, and shared values, we can all make steps towards creating a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future for all.
The Decarbonising CISV Strategic Project Team is delighted to have trialled these workshops with CISV France and looks forward to sharing more information on this collaboration and how others can get involved! If you would like to know more about Climate Fresk, check out their website: https://climatefresk.org/ you can also contact Michael Klöpper from CISV France to find out more about the process of doing this in your NA.
Just take a look at some of the feedback we collected from workshop participants!
"It was an enriching experience to participate in the climate fresk, especially with fellow CISVers. It gave me new perspectives on how to communicate around me about the causes and consequences of climate change. I will probably facilitate a climate fresk during my camp this summer so that the children who will be there can travel back home with a better understanding of the challenges coming ahead."
"The 'Climate Fresk' is presented like many CISV activities, with different phases to explore the causes and consequences of climate change. After a small introduction, participants are able to make their own 'fresk' with some pointers from the facilitator. They can add an artistic twist to it to really make it their own. Then begins the last phase of discussion and debate about the different impacts of our actions, how we feel about it, and what we could do to have a positive impact on our environment. Overall, it’s a very informative, fun, and collaborative activity that made me want to learn more and make some positive changes."
"I am really happy I got the opportunity to be trained to facilitate the Climate Fresk through CISV. As CISV France is encouraging every staff team to organize and facilitate a Fresk in their camps this summer, I got trained with a bunch of other staffs for this summer. In just two evenings of my free time spent learning about the Fresk, I'm ready to facilitate a great and super educational content activity to the participants in my camp this summer, and even the adults team if I want. Once we've participated in at least one Fresk, we can be trained. I feel like that's one of the reasons the Fresk is so successful and spreads so widely as it does: it's super quick to participate and to be trained. It is super accessible to facilitate a Fresk and to allow people around me to experiment with the Fresk.On a personal level, I feel like the reason I got very easily into the Fresk is that so many values are similar to CISV, thus familiar to me: educating on important topics without moralizing or guilt tripping, learning by doing and by playing, cooperating. It brings me what I enjoy in content activities in CISV: educating myself and sharing what I learned with others.”