How Do You Define Conflict?
March 26, 2019
Resolving Conflict at Camp
May 17, 20197 Resources for Exploring Conflict and Resolution
The Conflict and Resolution Team has put together a list of useful resources to inspire you to work with this year’s content area! Here you will find activities and materials made by CISVers in previous years, and a new training resource called Dialogue for Conflict Transformation. Also, we listed a few resources from other organizations for those looking to be inspired by theories, approaches, and lessons learned in conflict and resolution from outside of CISV.
Resources by CISV and CISVers:
1. New Training Session: Dialogue for Conflict Transformation
CISV International has developed two training resources intended for programme staff and leaders using educational elearning material developed by Crossing Borders Education,.
- The first resource is a short in-person training session called Dialogue for Conflict Transformation. It can also be done on a programme by staff and leaders.
- The second resource is an online training module that staff and leaders can complete individually. To access this module, register at learn.cisv.org. Once you are have created an account, register for the module “Dialogue Tools” using the enrolment key: Dialogue2019. If you have any questions, please email learn@cisv.org.
2. Confronting Conflicts booklet
This is a well-known resource among CISVers but it is popular for a reason!
Einav Dinur wrote and developed this toolbox to help readers to better handle and resolve your personal conflicts! It encourages you to develop awareness and self-reflection to better understand yourself in conflicts and how to handle more effectively handle these situations.
The Jirafa Toolbox was created in 2015 by CISVers in an exchange project between CISV Norway and CISV Colombia called The Jirafa Project. The toolbox contains a wonderful collection of 11 educational activities focusing on conflict and resolution – ready to run in many different settings.
4. Leaving on a Jet Plane: A Journey Through Conflict & Resolution
Our friends from The Jirafa Project also created this book that takes us on a journey through the world of conflict and resolution. The book helps us to explore various perspectives, tools, and histories regarding different levels of conflict. It also introduces us to interesting people through some amazing stories, interviews, and testimonies.
Additional Resources from Other Organizations:
5. Quick activities to check on group feeling & share solutions to team conflicts
We included few activities from Hyper Island in this list. These activities are easy to run and useful to run in small groups to check how the members of the group are working together. During these activities, people have the chance to share how they feel and to express any discomfort. The group can then discuss these feelings together and think of solutions to improve the overall group feeling. You can use these activities with staffs, Chapter or national board members, committees, delegations, or any group you are working with within and outside CISV.
- Check in / Check out: This is a simple way for a team to open or close a process, symbolically and in a collaborative way.
- Rollercoaster check in: This activity creates a powerful shared picture of the feelings in the group.
- Reflection: Team: This activity creates a space for members to express thoughts, feelings, and opinions about a shared experience. It helps to build openness and trust in the team, and to draw out key learnings and insights to take forward to improve future application.
6. Glossary on Conflict Transformation
The Berghof Foundation created this glossary with 20 definitions for words and expressions related to conflict. It highlights the topic of conflict transformation.
What kind of person are you in a conflict situation? This article presents some reflection questions and a list of conflict styles people may assume in a conflict. This is valuable for self awareness and also for having a better understanding of the behaviour of others in conflict.