Some Chapters wish to invite staff members from other countries to staff their programme and they can post opportunities on this page. We also ask hosting Chapters to contact their Member Support Coordinator to discuss staffing needs.
If you are hosting a programme and are looking for international staff, please contact the International Office to advertise here, and see the Programme Guides in Programme Resources for the full procedure for approving international programme staff.
For information on requirements for applicants, read about out how to apply to be staff or a leader.
Please note that all international programme staff members must be members of a CISV Association and be at least 21 years of age. All staff have a responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of the children and young people in CISV. Staff will undertake an appropriate level of training and must make sure that they understand and work within the safeguarding policies of CISV.
Current international programme staff opportunities
The list of current opportunities is available on CISV Central in the Running A Programme section under Find Resources.