Common sessions

2025 Common Session - Volunteer Journey
Target audience
Everyone attending the Regional Training Forum.

Volunteer Journey
This conversation will focus on reviewing elements of the Volunteer Journey project, which aims to improve all stages of volunteer involvement at CISV, including recruitment, onboarding, training, management, recognition, and offboarding. Your feedback will enhance our understanding about the direction of travel we are taking this project to, as well as provide additional ideas on how we can better address the issues around volunteer engagement.

Organizational training

Chapter Development

Chapter Development

Target Audience
Chapter Development training is targeted at all Chapter members interested in gaining the attitudes, skills and knowledge to take an active role in developing their Chapter. Although anyone is welcome to join no matter what experience they have in CISV, this training will be most beneficial to people who are involved with their Chapter and for members of Chapter and NA Boards. The training assumes participants have a basic knowledge of CISV and take a deep dive into key roles and responsibilities in a Board at both levels (NA and Chapter). We cover how the hospitality points system works, as well as financial and strategic planning. The training will provide an overview of CISV International and tools to implement back in the home Chapter.
Training Content
Chapter Development Training provides an introduction to running and developing a NA or Chapter.  Not only will you gather lots of useful knowledge, you will also acquire skills and tools that are helpful for your daily chapter and NA work in all aspects. Plus, there will be room to discuss best practice so remember to bring some ideas to share with others.
We will cover:
  • CISV International’s Mission, Vision, and Growth Policy, and what this means for your local NA or Chapter
  • NA/Chapter structures (single-Chapter Vs multi-Chapter)
  • Roles and responsibilities of the NA/Chapter Board (role profiles/job description)
  • NA/Chapter planning (financial, hosting and sending, project management)
  • Volunteer recruiting, training and retention
  • Junior Branch essentials
  • Profile raising (communication tools, publicity, partnership working)
  • Risk Management (importance of and basic introduction to; there is an in-depth Risk Management training which would cover all aspects)
  • Strategic Planning
  • Experience sharing

Chapter Development Curriculum 2019
Chapter Development Regional Delivery Teams with support from Junior Branch members.
Essentials of Peace Education

Essentials of Peace Education

Target Audience
Adult Chapter Board and Committee volunteers and JB Board members. Ideal for volunteers new to CISV or who have not attended any type of programme training, and are active in their Chapter.
Training Content It’s not just fun and games! Learn how CISV delivers on its mission as an educational organization. This informative and interactive training is valuable for both new and experienced volunteers to learn the “how and why” of what we do to educate and inspire our youth for a more just and peaceful world!In the training, participants will:
  • Understand peace education more clearly and completely.
  • Understand CISV’s educational purpose and content behind our programmes.
  • Become familiar with the tools and concepts we use to plan and deliver educational content in our programmes.
  • Learn how to use these tools to strengthen your chapter.
  • Share ideas with other CISV volunteers and learn from one another.
After completing the EPE training, participants will be able to:
  • Be more confident in your role as a CISV volunteer.
  • Talk about CISV to others with more knowledge and confidence.
  • Understand how experiential learning and peace educational content is applied in our programmes.
  • Use CISV educational tools to plan and evaluate activities within your chapter.
  • Plan and deliver trainings and activities in your Chapter more effectively
Essentials of Peace Education Curriculum 2019
The Regional Delivery Teams for Training and Quality Assurance.
Risk Management

Risk Management

Target Audience
National and Chapter Risk Managers
Training Content
Through experiential learning and scenarios and hands-on application of knowledge, you will acquire the skills and information you need to be an effective Risk Manager for CISV. You’ll also meet other Risk Managers and build your peer to peer support network.
We’ll cover:
  • Your responsibilities as Risk Manager
  • Your role during programmes and in your Chapter/National Association
  • Working with other NAs and your Regional Risk Manager
  • Identifying and prioritising risk
  • Responding to incidents
  • Enforcing CISV rules
  • Responding to parents and participants
  • Leader/Staff selection and evaluation
  • Insurance
  • CISV forms and documents
  • Social Media guidelines
  • CISV’s Child Protection Policy
  • Responding to a crisis
  • Where to go for resources and support
Upon completion of this course, you will be Risk-Management certified.

This accreditation is required for all Risk Managers and is valid for THREE years.

Risk Management Curriculum 2019
The Regional Delivery Teams for Training and Quality Assurance.
Training the Trainers (TTT)

Training the Trainers (TTT)

Target Audience
The CISV TTT course is intended for anyone in CISV with a mandate for training. It is based on training methodologies and general CISV educational principles, and not program specific material.
No matter who the target group is for your training practices, the TTT course will provide the tools needed to enhance your planning, facilitation, and evaluation skills. Local Chapters and National Associations are encouraged to send their members who have training responsibilities.
Training Content
CISV’s Train The Trainer (TTT) is an intensive 4-day course designed to enhance and unify organizational wide training practices. The TTT course focuses on both training methodology as well as ways to better understand and utilise CISV’s educational methods. The course is a dynamic, hands-on experience that includes a practicum in which participants plan, facilitate, and evaluate a training session. Each participant who completes the course will receive a training certificate, valid for three years.
  • Creating a positive learning environment
  • Self-awareness and personal development
  • Group development and group dynamics
  • Collaboration in training teams and beyond
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Peace education and active global citizenship
  • CISV educational approach
  • Designing a training session
  • Approaches to delivering training
  • Preparation and facilitation for training practice
  • CISV International: the big picture
  • Self-evaluation and action planning

TTT Curriculum 2019
The Regional Delivery Teams for Training and Quality Assurance.

Junior Branch training

International Junior Branch Conference

International Junior Branch Conference

Target Audience
National Junior Representatives and active Juniors are strongly encouraged to attend.
Training Content
  • Junior Branch essentials
  • Programme goals
  • JB development tools
  • Cooperation
  • Project development and evaluation
  • Experience sharing
  • Educational themes specific to each workshop
International Junior Representatives (IJRs), IJR Candidates and the International Junior Branch (IJB) Committee.
Junior Branch development training

Junior Branch development training

Target Audience
National Junior Representatives and active Juniors are strongly encouraged to attend.
Training Content
  • Junior Branch essentials
  • Programme goals
  • JB development tools
  • Cooperation
  • Project development and evaluation
  • Experience sharing
  • Educational themes specific to each workshop
Juniors with the support of the Growth and Development section of the International Junior Branch (IJB) Committee.
(If you're interested in running a JB Development workshop, please contact the IJB Growth Team).
Junior Branch regional meeting

Junior Branch regional meeting

Target Audience
People who are interested in taking an active leadership to develop and improve their local, national and regional Junior Branches.
Training Content
  • Junior Branch essentials
  • Programme goals
  • JB development tools
  • Cooperation
  • Project development and evaluation
  • Experience sharing
  • Educational themes specific to each meeting
The framework for these meetings is designed by the regional leadership, and the majority of the sessions are facilitated by them. There are some spaces ran by other active juniors and the Inernational Junior Representatives (IJRs).

Programme training

Village training

Village training

Target Audience The intended Village training audiences are:
  • Those responsible for overseeing and running the Village (i.e. leaders/staff/Programme Directors)
  • Those overseeing and delivering Village programme training in NAs (i.e. National Village Coordinators and trainers)
Training Content
The Village training sets out to provide trainees with the attitudes, skills and knowledge they need to carry out their respective programme-related roles of responsibility. The Village training goals:
  • Understand CISV’s approach to active global citizenship within the Village programme
  • Prepare trainees to fulfil their responsibilities in Village
  • To prepare trainees to contribute to the development and growth of CISV as an organization
  • To prepare trainees to interact effectively and appropriately in diverse environments
The training content is outlined in the Village Training Curriculum.
The Regional Delivery Teams for Educational Programmes
Youth Meeting training

Youth Meeting training

Target Audience
The intended Youth Meeting training audiences are:
  • Those responsible for overseeing and running the Youth Meeting (i.e. leaders/staff/Programme Directors)
  • Those overseeing and delivering Youth Meeting programme training in NAs (i.e. National Youth Meeting Coordinators and trainers)
Training Content
The Youth Meeting training sets out to provide trainees with the attitudes, skills and knowledge they need to carry out their respective programme-related roles of responsibility. The Youth Meeting training goals are:
  • Understand CISV’s approach to active global citizenship within the Youth Meeting programme
  • Prepare trainees to fulfil their responsibilities in Youth Meeting
  • To prepare trainees to contribute to the development and growth of CISV as an organization
  • To prepare trainees to interact effectively and appropriately in diverse environments
The training content is outlined in the Youth Meeting Training Curriculum.
The Regional Delivery Teams for Educational Programmes
Step Up training

Step Up training

Target Audience
The intended Step Up training audiences are:
  • Those responsible for overseeing and running the Step Up (i.e. leaders/staff/Programme Directors)
  • Those overseeing and delivering Step Up programme training in NAs (i.e.National Step Up Coordinators and trainers)
Training Content
The Step Up training sets out to provide trainees with the attitudes, skills and knowledge they need to carry out their respective programme-related roles of responsibility. The Step Up training goals are:
  • Understand CISV’s approach to active global citizenship within the Step Up programme
  • Prepare trainees to fulfil their responsibilities in Step Up
  • To prepare trainees to contribute to the development and growth of CISV as an organization
  • To prepare trainees to interact effectively and appropriately in diverse environments
The training content is outlined in the Step Up Training Curriculum.
The Regional Delivery Teams for Educational Programmes
Seminar Camp training

Seminar Camp training

Target Audience
The intended Seminar Camp training audiences are:
  • Those responsible for overseeing and running the Seminar Camp (i.e. staff/Programme Directors)
  • Those overseeing and delivering Seminar Camp programme training in NAs (requiring approval from the Regional Delivery Team for Educational Programmes) (i.e. National Seminar Camp Coordinators and trainers)
Training Content
The Seminar Camp training sets out to provide trainees with the attitudes, skills and knowledge they need to carry out their respective programme-related roles of responsibility. The Seminar Camp training goals are:
  • Understand CISV’s approach to active global citizenship within the Seminar programme
  • Prepare trainees to fulfil their responsibilities in Seminar Camp
  • To prepare trainees to contribute to the development and growth of CISV as an organization
  • To prepare trainees to interact effectively and appropriately in diverse environments
The training content is outlined in the Seminar Camp Training Curriculum.
The Regional Delivery Teams for Educational Programmes
Mosaic training

Mosaic training

Target Audience
The intended Mosaic training audiences are:
  • Those responsible for overseeing and running the Mosaic project (i.e. staff)
  • Those overseeing and delivering Mosaic programme training in NAs (i.e. National Mosaic Coordinators and trainers)
Training Content
The Mosaic training sets out to provide trainees with the attitudes, skills and knowledge they need to carry out their respective programme-related roles of responsibility. The Mosaic training goals are:
  • Understand CISV’s approach to active global citizenship within the Mosaic programme
  • Prepare trainees to fulfil their responsibilities in Mosaic
  • To prepare trainees to contribute to the development and growth of CISV as an organization
  • To prepare trainees to interact effectively and appropriately in diverse environments
The content is outlined in the Mosaic Training Curriculum.
The Regional Delivery Teams for Educational Programmes